Outing Class Sekolah AKSI #1 2024

Kegiatan pembelajaran diluar sekolah sangatlah bermanfaat. Selain mempererat silaturahmi antara peserta didik dan tutor kesetaraan, juga menjadi plus untuk lembaga atau sekolah non formal penyelenggara pendidikan dan ujian kesetaraan paket A/B/C.

Peserta didik dan tutor menjadi interaktif dalam aktifitas yang diselenggarakan di luar sekolah. Materi dapat disampaikan lebih optimal dengan mengamati keadaan di sekitar melalui praktek dan observasi.

Kegiatan ini juga akan menjadi unggulan dari program sekolah aksi selain vokasi Komputer untuk terus menjadi sekolah non formal terbaik di Kota Bandung maupun Nasional.

Belajar itu tidak harus selalu di dalam kelas, belajar itu butuh visualisasi untuk dapat membuktikan teori dengan kenyataan.


  1. Outing Class Sekolah AKSI is an educational outing program designed for students at AKSI School, aimed at enhancing learning through experiential activities outside the classroom. These outings often include visits to museums, nature reserves, or cultural sites, providing hands-on experiences that complement the curriculum. The program encourages teamwork, social skills, and a deeper understanding of various subjects. By engaging with real-world environments, students can apply their knowledge in practical settings while fostering camaraderie and curiosity.
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  2. Terima kasih telah berbagi kegiatan yang menginspirasi! 🌟Face Toner

  3. The Outing Class Sekolah AKSI #1 2024 was an enriching and dynamic experience, perfectly blending education with adventure. Designed to foster creativity and teamwork among students, the program featured a variety of interactive activities that encouraged critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration. From hands-on workshops to outdoor challenges, each segment was thoughtfully planned to inspire learning beyond the classroom
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